My UI Design Endeavors: The Story Behind the TNAU Botanical Garden Website

When a service-based company reached out to me to design and build a website for the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU) Botanical Garden, I knew this was going to be a unique challenge. They had seen my work with Biocom, where I led the tech team, and were impressed enough to trust me with this project. The catch? I had just one week to deliver a fully functional and visually stunning website.

You can explore the final project on my GitHub repository.

The One-Week Sprint

Creating a website from scratch in just seven days required laser-focused planning and fast execution. But I wasn’t afraid of the tight timeline. We had already pulled off a similar feat with the Biocom Official website, which you can read about here. That experience gave me the confidence to dive headfirst into this new challenge.

I spent the first 2-3 days immersed in the design, making sure it captured the lush, vibrant essence of the Botanical Garden. With some design guidance from Sudhanshu Singh, our design team head, I crafted a user interface that felt fresh, modern, and engaging.

The goal was clear: the UI needed to reflect the natural beauty of the garden while still being fun and modern. Using Figma, I designed a visually striking, user-friendly layout that would resonate with visitors and keep them coming back. Below are the screenshots of my design.

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With the design locked in, the next step was coding. Given the importance of SEO for attracting visitors, I chose Next.js as the tech stack, which struck the perfect balance between performance and optimization. Styling was all about control and precision, so I went with vanilla CSS to make sure every detail was just right.

In just one week, we turned a concept into a fully functional website that not only met but exceeded the client’s expectations. The TNAU Botanical Garden website is now live, a testament to what can be achieved with creativity, collaboration, and a clear vision.


© 2024 tanisha

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