Difference Between Static and Dynamic Websites

When browsing the web, you might notice some websites are simple and unchanging, while others feel interactive and personalized. This difference comes down to whether the website is static or dynamic.

Static Websites are like a set of fixed pages. Once the content is created and put online, it doesn’t change unless someone updates it manually. For example, a personal portfolio or a basic company site has the same content every time you visit. These sites are easy to set up, load quickly, and are best for content that doesn’t need frequent changes.

Dynamic Websites, however, can change based on what you do or data from a database. For instance, when you log into your social media account or shop online, the site shows you personalized content. Dynamic sites use a backend system to manage and update content in real-time.

In short, static websites are simple and fixed, ideal for straightforward content. Dynamic websites are interactive and adaptable, with features that change and update in real-time, like e-commerce sites where you can add or remove items from your cart.


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