Single Page Applications vs Multi Page Applications

When building web apps, you can choose between Single Page Applications (SPA) and Multi-Page Applications (MPA). Here’s a simple explanation of both:

An SPA (Single Page Application) loads one main HTML page and updates the content dynamically as you interact with it, without reloading the whole page. You stay on the same page while clicking around, and the content changes in place Examples of Frameworks: React, Angular, and Vue are popular for building SPAs because they handle content updates smoothly.

An MPA (Multi-Page Application) loads a new HTML page from the server each time you click a link or interact with the app. Each page is a separate file. Examples of Frameworks: While MPAs aren’t tied to specific frameworks, Next.js, Nuxt.js and Astro can be used for both SPAs and MPAs.

In summary, SPAs offer a seamless experience with dynamic content updates on a single page, while MPAs reload pages from the server for each interaction.


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