Decap,, Contentful, Strapi: Which CMS Suits Your Needs?

When choosing a Content Management System (CMS) for your website, it’s important to understand the differences between your options. Here’s a clear comparison of four popular CMSs: Decap,, Contentful, and Strapi, to help you decide which one is right for your project.

Decap vs. Git-Based CMSs

Decap is a Git-based CMS that integrates with your website’s code repository. This means you manage your content alongside your code, making it ideal for smaller projects or when you’re comfortable with Git. It’s simple to use but can become difficult if your site grows or if you need frequent updates. If you’re not familiar with Git, Decap might be challenging. offers a more user-friendly interface for content management. It provides a visual approach that makes it easier for non-technical users to handle content updates. is straightforward and ideal if you prefer an easy-to-use system, but it might not offer as much flexibility for custom integrations compared to Decap.

Contentful vs. Strapi: API-Based CMSs

Contentful is a well-established API-based CMS known for its powerful features and scalability. It’s suitable for large projects or enterprises with complex content needs. Contentful supports numerous integrations and offers robust tools for managing content. However, it can be complex and expensive, which might be overwhelming for smaller projects or those on a budget. For a quick introduction to Contentful, you can check out the video below by DesignCode.

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Strapi is an open-source API-based CMS that allows for greater flexibility and customization. You can set it up according to your specific needs and it’s generally easier to use than Contentful. However, being open-source means you’ll need to spend more time on setup and maintenance compared to a ready-made solution like Contentful. Strapi is a good choice if you want more control and customization but be prepared for more hands-on management. For a quick introduction to Strapi, you can check out the video below by Coding After Thirty.

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If you’re curious about how these tools might fit into your projects, you can also check out my GitHub repositories where I’ve worked with Decap CMS and Astro, and Next.js: CMS Astro with Decap and CMS Next with Decap.

For more detailed information on the differences between Git-based and API-based CMSs, and how they work, check out my article here.


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